My First Love in the Second Era

When it comes to my first love, it’s definitely Akira Shoumi!
Well… I’m sure many of you are unfamiliar with Aphrodite.
But when it comes to “Aphrodite”, some people probably know about it.
Then …… Who is this “Aphrodite”?
The answer is revealed! Rifleman!
He’s the captain of Saiyuko High School in the Flash Eleven.

Although he has long flowing hair and clean-cut features, he is a man!

Since he’s of mixed Japanese and Korean descent, he was a member of the “Korean Team Flaming Dragon” at the World Championships.

Seeing this, does anyone else realize who he resembles?
Cue the V’s singer!
Anyone guessed? That’s Lily.

Because of his neutral appearance, he is often caught as a wigger!

That’s why I’m a pseudo-feminist.
Okay! After the introduction, let’s move on to the main point of this article (riddle me: now we’re getting to the main point?)!
At first, I liked him because he had angel wings.
But then I saw his handsome side, and I became his prisoner.
I fell in love with him (big mistake).
Is my focus too little ……? (Riddle me this: it’s good to know)

The above is my first love!
Ah !!!!! I’m so shy!

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